
Climb into the high skies, and dodge all the (random) objects trying to kill you! Poop is real deadly, so watch out there!

"dodging stuff in the sky while ascending is really fun. especially when its a game made by BigBouncyBanana." - very wise dude

Comment your highest score down below!


Song is Ballin' by PSYCHEDELIC - link (very good song btw)

Idea is from me (a scratch game I made a while ago) - link

Rest is by  me :D

Thanks for playing :)

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Cartoon, Simple, Singleplayer

Development log


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696m is.. not my best score but its a funny number so yes. cool game btw :)


bannana :

yes :))

Yo awesome! You can definitely tell the difference between making games on scratch vs an actual programming language. Is it difficult to learn, well, whatever programming language you use? This is BigBouncyPapaya btw

ya lol its not really that difficult idk tho cuz im not really that good at unity (yet) and i didn't really learn it the 'proper' way so yea :P ig its depends on your passion for the thing :) unity uses c# btw 


thanks :))


very well made

also you have no idea how dumb i was lol. I thought you only had 3 games and only then realized  that there were like 3x that but you had to scroll xD

The game is sooo nice !

thank you!! :D


Nice!! good job

thanks :))


No problem!


this is sick! i love the art style. what engine did you make this with?

thanks! made with unity, i made it in like 4 days lol